Underwater Creatures

The following day during lunch, I was notified by my Dad of an interesting story where a 5-year-old girl got bitten by a shark in North Carolina. Me being very interested in sharks and shark attacks, I told them I wasn’t hungry anymore, and went online searching this event.
While searching, I found from a number of websites like cbsnews, parentnews, etc. with the main facts on the attack. But despite the real interest I have in this past event (no sarcasm), I’m writing about a different shark attack, titled Man Nearly Loses Arm in Bahamas Shark Attack.
First and foremost, you might want to read the article:

Ok, did you read it? Now, lets examine this piece by piece, and see, was this really the shark’s fault.
Exhibit A: A diver in Grand Bahama . I have no idea why people go scuba diving in the west indies. The west Indies are known for shark attacks because of lots of Shark-Tourism, which provoke them, chumming, where people feed the sharks; whether it be by hand underwater, or deliberately throwing bloody meat in the ocean to get them closer. And slowly slowly, that barrier between man and shark decreases, sharks become more aggressive, and being accustomed to the technique of hand feeding, they seem to expect it from others, and that’s why they also bite.
Exhibit B:another boat began dumping chum into the water. Ok then. I’m sure everyone knows the effect blood and meat has on sharks. You can even find it in Finding Nemo. But long story short, the sharks totally go mad and they pretty much want to eat any meat in sight, including humans in the water.
It is believed that the shark attack, which left the victim’s arm nearly severed, was the result of the blood and fish guts thrown into the water.. Believed? Really? As in you’re not positive… That’s a little strange to me.
So it wasn’t the sharks fault. It’s like, well the usual over exaggerated answer I would give is “Putting a human in bloody meaty water with a bunch of hungry sharks”, but that is exactly what happened!
So I won’t exactly advertise the Antilles Islands for your next visit, if or if not you want to get some fright. I mean, I’m not saying sharks always attack there. They don’t! And at the end of the day, they are also pretty rare. But there are some slight larger chances, and I wouldn’t want to support that type of tourism which does no good for the sharks.

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