
Hey people!
It’s me here, writer of jellyfishonthemoon… anyways, I’m so sorry I haven’t been publishing lately, at all… just been busy, and will be more busy, and blogging; even if it is about one of my favourite subjects, water; isn’t really my priority right now. Music, including practicing and learning all of Beethoven’s symphony 2 in 2 weeks, getting ready for level 7 conservatory exam, and practicing in general; school, homework, and my social skills; and hmm, having a life!?!
Anyways, I PROMISE there will be more, sometime in the future. And maybe even every Thursday! For me, being at a library, with an hour on the computer should definatly help.
Anyways, I presume you shall be reading more posts soon!

– Maya

JOTM Theory Part 1

Okay, let us begin this theory and adventure, or theoretical adventure, with a point on why jellyfish can live in outer space:
Jellyfish don’t need oxygen in the water to thrive.So if that is true (it is, trust me), and there isn’t oxygen in space, then they don’t have to worry about suffocating, do they?
Jellyfish are the ONLY organisms in the sea that don’t need oxygen to survive, they can live in dead zones, and they can survive a long time without food. I also heard something about them being immortal, but I know that’s not true, I think. ‘Cuz in Israel, when we see jellyfish, we takem’ and place them on the sandy beaches to dry (Nooo!!! We’re melting!). And that way they die. But it’s important that we do that because if we cut them up or hit them multiple times with a rock (I’ve seen that stupidity take place) or throw them very hard on the sand, (I think) all those tiny eggs come out of their bodies and go back into the water and somehow survive or whatever. I know a LOT of that happens in japan with the fishermen battling giant jellyfish. But in their non-defense, they take them, cut them up, and throw the pieces back! That is the plain truth.
So there you have it, point numero uno of our Alien Jellyfish friends being real things, or monsters; depends on how you look at it.
Point two shall arrive soon, do not worry few viewers (for now).

Jellyfish living Outside of Earth Theory

Okay then friends, (or fiends ;)); let us commence within our journey of my interesting theory of Extra-Terrestrial Jellyfish.
We will do this with 3 (give or take a few) angles, with sub-topics to them, giving evidence to my theory. We will have 3 main articles on my three reasons, and evidence/facts/beliefs towards them.
But in the mean time, keep in mind, the whole ‘sitch’ of actual jellyfish living outside of earth, won’t be 100% clarified until we’ve covered all of the moon and space (with water, oops! hint…. not really).
Anyways, I shall start with the first article ASAP, so keep up the suspense, my few viewers (for now…..)!

Shark Attack

The following day during lunch, I was notified by my Dad of an interesting story where a 5-year-old girl got bitten by a shark in North Carolina. Me being very interested in sharks and shark attacks, I told them I wasn’t hungry anymore, and went online searching this event.
While searching, I found from a number of websites like cbsnews, parentnews, etc. with the main facts on the attack. But despite the real interest I have in this past event (no sarcasm), I’m writing about a different shark attack, titled Man Nearly Loses Arm in Bahamas Shark Attack.
First and foremost, you might want to read the article:

Ok, did you read it? Now, lets examine this piece by piece, and see, was this really the shark’s fault.
Exhibit A: A diver in Grand Bahama . I have no idea why people go scuba diving in the west indies. The west Indies are known for shark attacks because of lots of Shark-Tourism, which provoke them, chumming, where people feed the sharks; whether it be by hand underwater, or deliberately throwing bloody meat in the ocean to get them closer. And slowly slowly, that barrier between man and shark decreases, sharks become more aggressive, and being accustomed to the technique of hand feeding, they seem to expect it from others, and that’s why they also bite.
Exhibit B:another boat began dumping chum into the water. Ok then. I’m sure everyone knows the effect blood and meat has on sharks. You can even find it in Finding Nemo. But long story short, the sharks totally go mad and they pretty much want to eat any meat in sight, including humans in the water.
It is believed that the shark attack, which left the victim’s arm nearly severed, was the result of the blood and fish guts thrown into the water.. Believed? Really? As in you’re not positive… That’s a little strange to me.
So it wasn’t the sharks fault. It’s like, well the usual over exaggerated answer I would give is “Putting a human in bloody meaty water with a bunch of hungry sharks”, but that is exactly what happened!
So I won’t exactly advertise the Antilles Islands for your next visit, if or if not you want to get some fright. I mean, I’m not saying sharks always attack there. They don’t! And at the end of the day, they are also pretty rare. But there are some slight larger chances, and I wouldn’t want to support that type of tourism which does no good for the sharks.

Jellyfish Stings

This past summer I spent some 4 amazing weeks in my absolute favourite place in the world, my hometown Israel. We had lived in the best possible geographical marking, which included being right across from the beach. But unfortunately it was an old folks home, with some depressing people, and lots of drama referring to the worst possible soap operas.
Anyways, living so close to the beach, we went there everyday, up to thrice. However we were unfortunately traveling during Israel’s jellyfish season (6 weeks; start of June – middle of July), and this year there were 7 times as many jellyfish, thanks to Japanese fisherman not knowing how to handle them.
So of course I got stung several times. Very unpleasant, however fortunately they don’t last too long. So here are some facts and tips about jellyfish stings, how to get rid of them, and avoid them:

Jellyfish belong to several classes of invertebrates:
– Anthrozoans; eg: sea anemones and corals, related to jellyfish but are barely poisonous to humans
– Cubozoans; including the most toxic, box jellyfish
– Hydrozoans; eg: the Portuguese man-of-war (not a true jellyfish, but still poisonous and dangerous) and fire corals
– Scyphozoans; ‘real’ jellyfish and the most common class

What stings feel like:
Scyphozoans stings are usually less toxic than hydrozoans and cubozoans stings. The skin can be irritated, slightly painful, unpleasant, and itchy. It’s possible for an allergic reaction to occur, which increases the severity of the rash, and should be shown to a doctor.

Portuguese man-of-war stings are more painful than common jellyfish’s. Some describe it as feeling like being struck by lightning. These creature’s stings have been responsible for two deaths. Detached tentacles floating around can also cause stings for up to two weeks. So if stung, seek medical attention.

Stings from box jellyfish (cubozoans) are the most dangerous type of jellyfish sting. Along with pain (obviously), the box jellyfish has venom so deadly it can kill one within minutes. It can cause:
– cardiovascular collapse
– respiratory and neuromuscular paralysis
– irukandji syndrome.
Recently, one woman died within 5 seconds of a sting. So if swimming in Australian and Indo-Pacific waters, watch out.

Treatments to Jellyfish stings:
– Remove any tentacles that are joined to the skin using tweezers, not your hands!
– Applying vinegar always helps lessen the severity of the sting. And even if it does not hurt, and it is 2 days later, I still would apply.
– Peeing on the sting is a little unorthodox but in my experience it has helped. Just make sure it’s not an open wound. And instead of aiming (I can’t believe I’m saying this), just pee into a cup and pour it onto the sting.
– If the wound turns 3-D and blister-like, and looks like it’s about to burst, it’s normal. Or at least I think it is, if it’s happened to me. It actually will burst (mine did during my sleep), and it will be disgustingly pussy, but not too painful. So apply some disinfectants, such as Hydrogen Peroxide.

How to avoid being stung:
– Don’t swim during Jellyfish season! You can always Google when it is in the place you are going, it’s not all the same. And always lookout for the leftover guys and early comers. And places like Australia, and Antilles Islands, don’t have jellyfish seasons, they are usually there. And if swimming, be careful.
– There is Jellyfish/Sea lice repellent lotion/sunscreen. I’m not sure how well it works, but it exists

If you’re stung by a jellyfish on the face (mouth, eyes,), or genital area, become severely ill, have difficulty swallowing or breathing, have any loss in senses, or develop severe pain after the sting, seek medical attention. And those swimming in Australia and the Indo-Pacific should also seek medical attention following any stings, for it could be one of a box jellyfish.